Principles of the Open-Source Way

Open-source, according to many has the power to transform our world. The inception of the open-source systems that started in the late 80s and the way it has evolved to this day has garnered many supporters. It is becoming increasingly apparent that open-source is the future and that many businesses are striving towards it.

But what is the open-source way?

Actually, it is a set of principles that are derived from an open-source development model. It also includes ways in which it could be applied to any industry or domain.

Let’s take a look at these principles from up close.


It doesn’t matter if one is developing a software or trying to solve a certain business problem, the idea is that everyone needs to have access to materials and information in relation to the job. It ensures that all the people involved are informed in order for them to do their best work.

This allows people to build upon their ideas and what they had discovered and collaborated with each other. This results in much more effective decisions and allows you to understand how those decisions affect the involved parties.


Being able to freely participate in a certain project allows for a faster and better advancement of the said project. When one is capable of being able to modify and subsequently share the work with others it unlocks new possibilities that were not there before.

Initiating new projects together allows you to solve problems that were perhaps unsolvable if one tried working on it alone. Everything is possible if you do it together. Open standards also enable others to contribute in the future.

Release Early and Often

Being able to release a prototype early also means a lot of time to set everything property. These prototypes can thus lead the much faster discoveries while an iterative approach leads to creating better solutions faster. When one has its hands free to experiment and freely make changes, you can look at problems from a different perspective and find constructive new ways to reach the answer. Simply saying, one can learn while working.


Only by being able to add a diverse perspective to our conversations will we be able to find the best ideas. This is the decision-making process that many are striving for. Great ideas can come from anywhere, all sorts of unexpected places and the best ideas should be kept and used. Successful work will also determine which project will gather the most support and effort from the community.


A community is going to form itself naturally when different people come together for a common purpose. Sharing valued guide decision making and community goals are going to be above any individual efforts or agendas. A community is much stronger than any individual and often it brings successful results that will, in turn, be used for specific purposes.
