We live in such modern times that we do not have to be satisfied with the thing we are first presented with – there are always other choices on the market. Therefore, we usually choose to gamble online and use Betfair Promo Code – it’s just more convenient. We also don’t just buy a recommended smartphone or laptop but we do our research and compare the items. Of course, there is no reason we wouldn’t be able to do so with software.
Let’s be honest – the majority of the most popular software we use every day is extremely expensive. So many people pay hundreds of dollars for the software they can get for free. Here are 10 free alternatives to expensive software that will serve you just as well.
1. Linux Mint
If you want to use Windows, you usually have to pay around $200 for one computer. That is too much even for one person, let alone for a business owner that has to pay for every computer in the office. Linux Mint is one of the distributions of Linux that is very similar to Windows and very user-friendly, so it won’t take you practically any time to adjust.

2. Google Docs and LibreOffice
Google Docs and LibreOffice are both great substitutes for Microsoft Office and are completely free. A great thing about Google Docs is that you don’t have to send anything by email – if you need to share documents with somebody, just send them a link and they’ll have access to that document.
3. Draw.io
Microsoft Visio costs about $250, and Draw.io is entirely free. It works perfectly for any flowcharts and diagrams you need to make, and you won’t have to spend a dime. Moreover, it works in a browser which makes it even more convenient.
Adobe Photoshop has all the features you need for editing images, but so does GIMP. You can use it even if you are a professional and it won’t disappoint. If you are looking for software for digital painting, Krita might be the better option for you.
5. darktable
You can safely replace Adobe Lightroom with darktable and you won’t even notice the change. It is an open-source photography application that you can use to develop your negatives.

6. Inkscape
For all the illustrators out there looking for a free version of Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape is your answer. However, you should know that it might take you some time to adjust to the new software.
7. DaVinci Resolve and Lightworks
If you are not prepared to pay for Cut Pro, try out DaVinci Resolve. It offers just about the same features and you can professionally edit your videos without paying anything. If you are looking for something that is a bit less complicated, try out Lightworks.
8. Scribus
For any type of reading material that needs to look professional, Scribus will do the job. It is free compared to Adobe InDesign and it works just as well. You also have an option to use Canva if you want to do all your work online. They are both very easy to use and you won’t need any special readjusting.
9. Audacity
For audio files, Adobe Audition is great software, but it is just too expensive. Instead, you can use Audacity which lets you manage your audio files however you want – from simple actions such as recording and trimming to even adding special effects.
10. FreeCAD and LibreCAD
AutoCAD is amazing, but who is prepared to pay $1,575 a year when they are just starting out. If you have to do anything related to architecture or engineering, FreeCAD works wonders for 2D and LibreCad is your best option when it comes to 3D.